Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It Takes One

It Takes One

I have always been a firm believer that every one of us holds the power to dramatically impact a life.  As educators, we have that unique opportunity to impact many lives, and every year that impact grows drastically.  Whether you teach kindergarten students, coach Jr. High kids, answer the phones in the office, or clean the floors, you have the opportunity to change a life.  

I know we’ve all heard how important of an impact educators have on kids.  Sometimes though I feel we forget the power we possess as teachers.  The power to change lives.  Sometimes we don’t get to see the impact we’ve had until many years later. Sometimes we don’t ever get to hear about or see the impact we’ve made.  As a new school year approaches, I felt now was a good time to remind ourselves and to prepare ourselves to change lives.

How can we do that?  How can we change a life?  Well here are a few things that I’ve found really make a difference with kids...

Start from day one.  
I try to spend the first couple days of school (yes, more than just the first day!) just getting to know my kids. I also don’t shy away from letting the kids get to know about my personal life. When the kids see that you aren’t afraid to let them into your life they are much more likely to open up and let you into theirs.  Play team building games, do art, go outside, just spend time getting to know your kids!

Don’t be afraid to show your “kid” side.  
We all have a playful side. A side that we’re definitely afraid to show in public. Don’t be afraid to show that side in your classroom or school. Sometimes we just need to let loose and act silly with our kids and show them that there are times that it’s ok to be a little silly. It gives your students another perspective on who their teacher is.

Find what they’re passionate about and bring that into the class/school.
 This one is huge. To be an educator that impacts students you have to have your finger somewhat on the pulse of what is “cool” to them.  Take the time to find out what they like to do for fun or what sport they like to play.  For boys, bringing in problems with their sports heroes is always huge!  Find out what music they like to listen to or some of their favorite artists.  Download a few songs and play them in class (the appropriate songs of course).  Kids light up when they hear a song they know playing in class, and many times they work even harder on things when music they enjoy is playing in the background.
When you begin to really invest in your students you begin to learn about things they do outside of the classroom.  If you can, find the time to attend their dance recital, baseball/football game, whatever!  The most difficult students often become dream students when they see you’ve taken time out of your day to come to something they were involved in that had nothing to do with school (you can also easily win over difficult parents with this one!)

Eat lunch with your students.  
You don’t have to do this one every day.  But I’ve seen the difference eating lunch with my students makes.  It also gives me a little more time to get to know my students in an environment that they may feel more comfortable in.  

Play at recess.

 If you have elementary students, this one is a biggie.  As teachers many times we take our kids out to recess and just stand/sit there and watch them play. It means so much more to the kids to have you out there playing with them then standing there watching.  Administrators should also find time to do this!  The kids LOVE playing games outside with their admins!

Finally, actually care.

As educators our days can get crazy, busy, and sometimes overwhelming.  The kids sense all of that.  Kids are also excellent at being able to tell if you actually care about them.  When a kid knows that you care about them on a level that’s more than just their teacher, they work ten times harder to reach your expectations.

I believe that we truly underestimate the power we have as educators.  It only takes one person to change a life.  Will you be that one person to a student this year? Or will you blend in with all the faces they’ll see.  Now’s the time to decide.

“When I think of what could be
If we let our hearts believe
That it takes just one
Just one could turn this all around
And if we’re living history
How will they think of you and me
If it takes just one, just one
What if, what if, what if I’m the one”
- Brandon Heath

Friday, August 3, 2012

EdmodoCon 2012

Hey guys!!  The 3 Tech Ninjas are hosting a viewing party for EdmodoCon 2012 on August 8th! EdmodoCon is an online conference about all things Edmodo!  It would not only be a great intro to Edmodo (for the uninitiated) but it's free and sounds great!  It's all day and we're hosting the viewing party at Fields Store Elementary in Waller, Texas.  If you want to attend PLEASE RSVP to the3techninjas@gmail.com .   DO NOT MapQuest directions, email us and we'll send you directions. BRING YOUR LAPTOP!!  We hope to see you there!!

Please visit the link below to see the schedule for the day; keep in mind the times are Eastern: